I (sadly) saw 'My Bloody Valentine 3-D' instead of 'The Wrestler' today. It was, without a doubt, one of the most poorly acted, scripted...anything movies I've seen it quite some time. With that said, it was also one of the most hysterical and endlessly quotable. I'm assuming that the filmmakers didn't have that in mind, but whatever. Kerr Smith fortunately is still really cute and Jensen Ackles isn't so bad either, so at least there was eye candy for moi.
All I'm going to say is that if you want to see it, you might as well just see it now. It'll more likely than not lose some, or rather all, of its "wonder" when on the small screen. The gimmick, added to the comicality of it all, overall made it a fun time out.
LMAO. Knew it.