-- Got 'Milk'
Like some, I was terrified, terrified, terrified that 'Milk,' the true best picture of the year, was going to be left out of the BP/BD categories. Fear not! Its 8 nominations were like music to my ears.
-- Heath
If they had snubbed him like they so disgustingly did the rest of 'TDK' I would have flipped. Luckily, they didn't make that mistake.
-- 'Button' sweep
13 nominations! 13! The eleventh film ever to receive 13 or more. I adored it, so I was pleased to see that it pulled through, just like I thought it would. I especially love the Pitt mention.
-- Kate showed up somewhere
I'm thrilled that Winslet was nominated, though I'm pretty shocked that it was 1.) only in leading and 2.) for 'The Reader'. At least she wasn't yet another victim of category fraud. I am, still, a little bit bitter over the fact that her marvelous performance from 'Revolutionary Road' was looked over. Oh well.
-- 'In Bruges' gets recognized
Martin McDonagh's brilliant script showed up! Fantastic choice by the Academy, even though they should have found some room for Colin Farrell.
-- The state of the Supporting Actress race
So with no Winslet to challenge her, does Cruz have it sewn up? I'm hoping it'll be more exciting than that, but who knows as of now.
-- No Dev Patel!
Look I loved 'Slummy,' and Dev was cute and all, but the most he deserved was an honorable mention.
-- 'The Dark Knight' is...where now?
'The Reader'. Great movie. One of the best of the year, surely. Better than 'TDK'? Absolutely not. Sure, it picked up 8 nominations, Heath thankfully being one of them, but...no Nolan? No Picture? Well you win some, you lose some. However, if they give Supporting Actor to anyone other than Ledger, I will kill someone. Kill someone.

-- Sally Hawkins's snub
Unforgivable. Angelina was good and all, but I could just as easily cried and thrown plates around my house. Would I get an Oscar nomination? I mean I'd hope, but I'm betting on "no" as the correct answer. She should have been rewarded with a nom last year for her vastly superior portrayal of Marianne Pearl in 'A Mighty Heart'. Sorry Sally! You still have your Globe!
-- James Franco's snub
My personal pick for the best supporting player in a sea of fabulousness (Van Sant's ensemble), and even though I wasn't really expecting him to be nominated, it was still a disappointment.
-- Bruce Springsteen's snub
I haven't seen 'The Wrestler' yet, but "The Wrestler" by Bruce Springsteen was one of, if not the best song written for a motion picture this year. Shameless. And what the hell is so bad about 5 nominees? Why sink to 3 this year? As long as M.I.A. performs "O Saya" with A.R. Rahman, I won't be as mad. Kind of.
Can I join in on your (god forbid) post-Ledger losing killing spree, dude? In all honestly, if that happens it WILL be the most awkward thing ever. I mean, who would actually accept it if they won? They'd probably be publicly blacklisted so fast.
ReplyDeleteBUT HELL YES MILK!!!!!
Absolutely! Like, I LOOOOVE Josh Brolin, but come on. No one was better than Ledger.
ReplyDeleteI've seen all five nominees (holy crap!?), and none of them are really any close to him? Like, in my personals the only ones even close are Bill Irwin and Eddie Marsan. And they're not that close.
ReplyDelete(Also, I'm thinking of bumping David Kross up to lead because I'm doing the same for Kate both of whom I have in supporting currently - thoughts?)
Hm. I don't know what to do with Kate myself. Like, I'm absolutely nominating her for both.
ReplyDeleteBut in the same category?
Well, I can nominate two actors for two separate performances in the same category - my rules allow that. Most people's, I think, is either to limit it to one perf or count both under one nomination. You could do that?
ReplyDeleteCurrently if I move Winslet to lead, she joins herself, Sally and Anne at the very least. I don't want to bump Julianne (Blindness), so I guess Cate goes bye-bye? :(
I just have 6 leading ladies now. There's NO way I could cancel out Cate, Sally, Anne or Meryl.